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Navigating Auto Collision Repairs in East Lansing: What You Need to Know

Experiencing a car collision can be stressful, but knowing how to navigate the repair process can greatly ease the burden. At A&D Collision in East Lansing, MI, we understand the importance of having clear, concise information to help you through this challenging time. This guide will provide you with essential tips on what to do after a collision, how to choose the right repair shop, and how to handle insurance claims effectively.
Steps to Take Immediately After a Collision
Ensure Safety: First and foremost, check for injuries and ensure all parties involved are safe. If medical attention is needed, call 911 immediately.
Document the Scene: Take photos of the accident scene, including all vehicles involved, any visible damage, and relevant road conditions. This documentation can be crucial for insurance claims and legal purposes.
Exchange Information: Obtain the contact information, insurance details, and vehicle registrations from all drivers involved. This information will be necessary when filing an insurance claim.
Report the Accident: Notify the police, especially if there are significant injuries or legal violations. A police report can be a valuable document when dealing with your insurance company.
Choosing the Right Collision Repair Shop: Choosing the right repair shop is crucial to getting your vehicle back to its pre-accident condition. Here are a few tips to help you select the best facility:
Look for Certifications: Ensure the shop is certified and employs trained, skilled technicians. Certifications indicate that the shop adheres to industry standards for quality and safety.
Check Reviews: Research online reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge the quality of service and customer satisfaction.
Ask About Warranty: Choose a shop that offers a warranty on their repairs. This can provide peace of mind that the work is guaranteed should any issues arise later.
Visit the Shop: Visit the repair facility to see if it is well-organized and equipped with modern technology. This can be an indicator of the quality of work you can expect.
Dealing with Insurance Companies:
After a collision, dealing with insurance companies can be a complex task. Here’s how to manage the process:
Notify Your Insurer: Inform your insurance company about the collision as soon as possible. Prompt communication can help speed up the claims process.
Understand Your Policy: Be aware of what your insurance covers. Know your deductible amount and whether your policy covers OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts.
Get Multiple Estimates: Obtaining estimates from several repair shops can help ensure you receive a fair price and high-quality service.
Know Your Rights: In Michigan, the Right to Repair Act allows you to choose where your vehicle is repaired, not the insurance company. This means you can select a shop like A&D Collision that meets your standards for quality and service. For more detailed information on this act, click here to read our detailed blog on the Right to Repair Act.


Navigating auto collision repairs doesn’t have to be a daunting process. By taking the right steps after an accident, choosing a qualified repair shop, and effectively handling your insurance claim, you can ensure your vehicle is repaired to a high standard. At A&D Collision, we are committed to providing top-notch collision repair services and helping you every step of the way.
If you’re in East Lansing and need collision repair services, remember that you have the right to choose your repair provider. Contact A&D Collision for expert advice and superior repair solutions.